How to Make Spiderweb Cookies


Chocolate sugar cookies Royal Icing:  White,  Gray, and  Black Orange Sprinkles Black Sugar

Spiderweb Cookies


20 Cookies


1 hour

Step 1

Outline the chocolate cookies in white royal icing, fill in the center with icing.

Step 2

Use a toothpick to fill in the empty spaces. Shake the cookie gently to smooth out.

Step 3

Make a swirl of gray royal icing.

Step 4

Use a toothpick to drag the center to the edge. Allow to dry.

Step 5

Use black royal icing to create an oval. Place two orange sprinkles for the eyes, dust with black sugar, and make the legs.

Spiderweb Cookies

Hi! I'm Allie!

When I find myself with a few free moments, I head straight for my kitchen!  I'm a former pastry chef who still loves to bake, & to share how easy and fun baking from scratch can be!