Easy Pina Colada Recipe! Just 3 ingredients & never gets watered down, even if you take your time with it! Sweet pineapple & creamy coconut.

Pina colada served in a mason jar with an umbrella.

It’s almost the weekend!

I say we toast it with a fabulous tropical cocktail. How about a pina colada?

This easy pina colada recipe is made in minutes and it’s bursting with sweet pineapple and creamy coconut. A classic combination!

Make it boozy or leave out the alcohol for a virgin pina colada. It’s completely up to you!

I love nothing more than sitting out on my patio on a warm night with something delicious to sip on. And I’ve got plenty of drink recipes to prove it! Be sure to check out my peach Bellini, white Russian, and Moscow mule recipes too!

Pina colada recipe blended and garnished with fresh pineapple and maraschino cherries.

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What is a pina colada?

This is a drink that originated in Puerto Rico, and has become a total classic!

It’s made with pineapple and coconut, which go great together. It also has rum! But you can make it non-alcoholic too if you prefer.

Why this is the best pina colada recipe

  1. Tastes amazing: It’s sweet but not overly so. And it has the most delicious creamy quality! The pineapple and coconut flavors really shine.
  2. Few ingredients: Just three ingredients, or less! And no added sugar.
  3. Easy to make: It literally takes minutes to make.
  4. Never gets watered down: This is a frozen drink but you don’t add any ice, so you can take your time with it and it will never become diluted.

What does this recipe for pina colada taste like?

This drink is just sweet enough! It’s not syrupy and it won’t give you cavities, lol!

All the sweetness comes from the pineapple, so rather than just being cloyingly sugary, it has a fresh, fruity, tropical flavor that’s so refreshing!

And the coconut brings it’s wonderful creaminess. The richness of coconut allows all the lovely flavors to linger on your palate.

If you add rum, you’ll also taste it’s warm sweetness at the back of your throat.


Ingredients for making pina colada with text labels.

Pineapple: Frozen pineapple chunks are the secret ingredient! They keep this drink cold and thick like a smoothie. I buy them in the freezer section of my regular grocery store, and keep a bag in my freezer at all times! That way I can whip up a pina colada whenever the urge strikes!

Coconut milk: I like full-fat, unsweetened coconut milk best, and I prefer the kind that comes in a can. Some recipes call for cream of coconut, but to me it’s way too sweet and artificial tasting. This is an all-natural pina colada recipe, and you’ll know it when you take a taste!

Rum: Use any kind of rum you like! Light rum, dark rum, coconut rum, it all works! Or just leave it out if you prefer a non-alcoholic pina colada.

Cherries: These are an optional garnish, but I just love how maraschino cherries look and they make everything feel festive!

Special equipment

  • Blender: A powerful blender turns the frozen pineapple chunks into a refreshing slushie.
  • Measuring cup: For measuring the rum. Or you can just free-pour but that can be dangerous!
  • Picks: These are completely optional but if you really want to have fun with it, pick up some paper drink umbrella picks!

How to make pina colada

This drink recipe comes together in no time flat!

Step 1: Blend

Start by dumping the frozen pineapple chunks, coconut milk, and rum in the blender.

Frozen pineapple chunks, coconut milk, and rum in the pitcher of a blender.

Then just blend it all together until smooth and slushie.

Step 2: Garnish

If you like, stab a pick through a wedge of fresh pineapple + a cherry or two, for a really fun and festive garnish.

How to serve pina coladas

These are best served immediately, while they’re still cold and thick.

However, since there is no ice in this recipe, you can take your time sipping on it. It will never get watered down, no matter how long you nurse it! It will stay somewhat thick from the pureed fruit and the flavor will not become diluted.

Expert tips

Scale it up: If you’re serving a big crowd, you may want to think about making a large pitcher of pina coladas. This recipe scales easily. Just multiply the quantities by however many people you want to serve. As long as you have a big enough blender, it will work great!

Virgin pina colada recipe: For a non-alcoholic pina colada, just leave out the rum!

“Season” to your personal taste: Like it a little sweeter? Add a touch of honey or simple syrup. Want it a little more tangy? Some fresh lime juice compliments the tropical flavors beautifully!

How to make a pina colada with real fruit.

Frequently asked questions

What if I don’t have a blender?

No blender? No problem! Swap the frozen pineapple chunks for pineapple juice! Your drink won’t be as thick and slushy but it will be every bit as delicious!

Why is my coconut milk separated?

This is nothing at all to worry about!

As it sits, coconut milk will separate into two distinct layers: the water on the bottom and the cream which rises to the top. The cream is so thick it’s practically solid at room temperature.

Once it all gets blended together it smooths right out!

Can pina coladas be made ahead?

I think these are best when freshly blended, because they’re icy cold and slushy like a smoothie.

But there is nothing wrong with making pina coladas ahead of time!

Pop a big pitcher in the fridge and allow your guests to serve themselves. The drinks won’t be quite as thick but they’ll still taste amazing!

What is the serving size?

This recipe makes 2 generous drinks and scales up easily.

The nutritional info below is for one drink or 1/2 the whole batch. It includes the rum and cherries.

How to make pina colada drink recipe  tutorial.

A few more of my best pineapple recipes

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Pina colada served in a mason jar with an umbrella.
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Pina Colada Recipe

Servings: 2 drinks (scales easily)
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Easy Pina Colada Recipe! Just 3 ingredients & never gets watered down, even if you take your time with it! Sweet pineapple & creamy coconut.


  • 16 ounces (453.59 g) frozen pineapple chunks
  • 13.5 ounces (382.72 g) unsweetened coconut milk
  • 4 ounces (113.4 g) rum, optional
  • 2 (36 g) fresh pineapple wedges, optional garnish
  • 2 (10 g) maraschino cherries, optional garnish


  • Place the frozen pineapple chunks, coconut milk, and rum in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Garnish with fresh pineapple wedges and maraschino cherries.
Serving: 1drink, Calories: 693kcal, Carbohydrates: 42g, Protein: 6g, Fat: 46g, Saturated Fat: 40g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 2g, Sodium: 32mg, Potassium: 753mg, Fiber: 8g, Sugar: 31g, Vitamin A: 134IU, Vitamin C: 114mg, Calcium: 63mg, Iron: 4mg
Cuisine: Puerto Rican
Course: Drinks
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  • Allie

    Allie is the creator and owner of Baking a Moment. She has been developing, photographing, videographing, and writing and sharing recipes here since 2012.

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