A behind-the-scenes peek at the Writing Process of Baking a Moment.

Hi friends!  Today I’m bringing you something a little different.

Maybe you’ve seen some of these posts floating around the blogosphere lately- well, I am so honored to have been invited to participate in the Writing Process Blog Tour, by my good friend Nora of A Clean Bake.  If you don’t already know Nora and her blog, you have to check it out!  She is amazingly talented with food in general, but specifically with baking/dessert recipes of the allergen-free variety.  I am always just blown away by her ability to create the most amazing recipes without one iota of wheat gluten, dairy, or refined sugar.  She’s funny as heck and really knows her stuff.

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Nora | A Clean BakeA Clean Bake Header - with logo copy

Thank you so much for passing the torch, Nora!

So I will be answering a few questions about my writing process and how I go about doing what I love to do 😉  Hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes peek; here we go!

Writing Process | Baking a Moment

What are you working on?
The summer was cray.  I did a lot of guest posts, sponsored posts, and blogger events.  Every day felt like kind of a panic (but I’m not complaining- being able to work hard is truly a blessing).  I kept thinking I could see a break on the horizon, but I didn’t finally get there until like a week or so ago.  So, right now, I’m just catching my breath and gearing up for the season ahead.  Fall, leading into the holidays, tends to be “high season” for a food blogger, so I’m gathering ideas for the coming months and planning my editorial calendar.  If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen that I took a trip to the bookstore on Saturday to browse cookbooks and get inspired.  I came away from that trip with a mile-long list of ideas, so I’m very excited to get in the kitchen and start creating!  In the shorter term, I still have a crap-ton of cherries left over from my recent Fox TV appearance, so I’m hoping to make up for today’s lack of a recipe post with a real jaw-dropping dessert for the end of this week 😉

Baking Seasonally: 4 Great Dessert Recipes Using Cherries | Baking a Moment

How does your work differ from others in its genre?
Maybe you guys can help me out with this question?  To be perfectly honest I am struggling to define what sets me apart.  There are a lot of baking blogs out there and several that have a similar kind of focus to mine.  I can say that I love styling and photography, I’m passionate about baking from scratch, and I’m inspired by the seasons.  I want to encourage people to slow down, simplify, and enjoy the process of baking, as well as tasting homemade treats.  And I love talking to you!  I’m so happy to have been able to connect with others who share the same kinds of interests.  I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that my enthusiasm shines through and strikes a chord.

Desserts | Baking a Moment

 Why do you write what you do?
I’ve always been detail oriented, and I sometimes joke that I’m “compulsively creative.”  It’s really true- if I don’t have a “problem” to solve, and a way to do it with my eyes and hands, then I’m miserably unhappy.  When I say “problem,” that can be as simple as creating a unique recipe with a certain ingredient, or it can mean designing someone’s home renovation, or it can mean learning the ins and outs of social media.  As long as there’s a challenge in front of me, and my mind is actively working out a way to overcome it, I feel fulfilled.  Recipe development, styling and photography, and sharing have filled that need in my life, that was kinda left empty when I left my previous career to start my family.  Once my kids were no longer nursing and in diapers, I had a little more time/freedom, but I still wanted to be home with, and available to, them.  Being a mom is my number one priority, but writing Baking a Moment became my “me time.”  Now that they’re (both) about to start elementary school (EEP!) I’m so happy I have this off the ground, and I’m psyched to have even more time and energy to devote to making it as great as I think it can be!

Classic Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting | Baking a Moment

How does your writing process work?
My writing process begins with recipe development.  When I have an idea for a recipe I want to create, there’s usually some reason for it.  Maybe it’s a holiday or a birthday– someone or something I want to celebrate or honor.  Or maybe it’s a certain ingredient that’s inspired me, and I want to shine a spotlight on it.  Sometimes it’s a memory.  Or maybe it’s just something I whipped up on a whim the weekend before, and decided to share.  There’s always some kind of a story behind it, and beyond just talking about the food, how to make it, and how delicious it is, I like to share that story.

Next Stops:
So now it’s my turn to nominate bloggers to write about their own process!

1) First up is Connie, who authors URBAN BAKES.  Connie’s talent just blows me away.  Her creations are stunningly beautiful and she always leaves me wanting more. We met at BlogHer Food back in May, and we’ve been great friends ever since!

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Connie | Urban Bakes

Urban Bakes

2) Next is Zainab, who has been the most incredible, supportive friend to me, for almost a year now! I am so glad that we have connected, because I can always count on her any time I have a question, doubt, or just need someone to lean on.  Her blog is Blahnik Baker, and her recipes and photos are absolutely mouthwatering.

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Zainab | Blahnik Baker

3) And finally, my friend and fellow mom Alice, of Hip Foodie Mom.  Hip Foodie Mom was one of the first food blogs I ever followed, so I’ve kinda known her for years. And after hanging with her at IFBC last year, and again at BlogHer Food, I feel so blessed to be able count Alice as a close friend. She creates fresh, healthy recipes that are family friendly, and she’s also one of the most good-hearted people I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know. She inspires me every day to work harder and do better.

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Alice | Hip Foodie Mom

Hip Foodie Mom

Be sure to follow Urban Bakes, Blahnik Baker, and Hip Foodie Mom, and look for their upcoming Writing Process posts!

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  • Allie

    Allie is the creator and owner of Baking a Moment. She has been developing, photographing, videographing, and writing and sharing recipes here since 2012.

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