This rich chocolate ice cream recipe is rippled with gooey marshmallow sauce and studded with crunchy rice krispie treats!  Hands-down my favorite ice cream ever.  

Chocolate Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treat Ice Cream- SWOON!

Omg you guys.  I made the most incredible ice cream ever.  I’m so serious.

Ice cream is totally ruined for me forever now.  Nothing else will ever hold a candle to this.

Chocolate Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treat Ice Cream- SWOON!

I can never resist chocolate marshmallow ice cream, when I see it on that big board.  It’s by far my favorite flavor.  Especially if it’s the kind with the gooey ribbons of marshmallow sauce running all throughout.  Especially when the chocolate is super rich and decadent and just loaded with deep, dark bittersweet flavor.

It’s hard to find fault with that.  But I can be a tough critic.  The only thing lacking in my favorite chocolate marshmallow ice cream is something to crunch on a little bit.  Some texture.

Hello rice krispie treats.  I’ve been waiting for you.  I’m so glad you’re finally here, in my chocolate marshmallow ice cream.  This is where you belong.  Where you should have been, all along.  Welcome home.

Chocolate Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treat Ice Cream- SWOON!

Oh no, you didn’t read that wrong.  There really are rice krispies treats swirled into that ice cream.

I actually made them myself, from rice krispies cereal, butter, and melted marshmallows.  Then I stood over a sheet pan and tore the whole wad into little bits so that they could be evenly dispersed all throughout my ice-creamy goodness.  Because I am a complete dope who totally forgot there’s such a thing as Rice Krispies Treats Cereal, which is exactly the same thing.

Never fear.  I eventually figured it out, and the recipe card reflects my belated epiphany.

Chocolate Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treat Ice Cream- SWOON!

You can find it over at Blahnik Baker!  She’s busy cuddling with her little one these days.  Do you remember when we celebrated her baby shower with these fabulous Blackberry Coconut Cupcakes?  The Blahnik baby’s finally here!  And Zainab is totally sleep deprived and it takes a village, yo, so I’m filling in for her today!  Click on over to congratulate her and grab this make-you-beg-for-mercy ice cream recipe while you’re there.  It’s the real deal!

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Chocolate Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treat Ice Cream- SWOON!


  • Allie

    Allie is the creator and owner of Baking a Moment. She has been developing, photographing, videographing, and writing and sharing recipes here since 2012.

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