Creamy Strawberry Cheesecake: New York-style cream cheese filling, crunchy graham cracker crust, and the most gorgeous strawberry topping!

Strawberry cheesecake on a wooden cake pedestal.

Today’s recipe is truly a stunner: Strawberry Cheesecake!

Just look at that crown of glossy berries! Isn’t it to die for?

We absolutely devoured this strawberry cheesecake recipe. It’s incredibly creamy, with the sweet fragrance of vanilla and tons of seasonal fruit, all layered over a crunchy Graham cracker crust with just the barest whisper of cinnamon. Heaven!

I love making cheesecakes because they’re so rich and decadent, and they’re pretty easy too! While they do take a while to bake and cool, the active time is only around 25 minutes.

I’ve made all sorts of different cheesecake recipes here, from lemon cheesecake to chocolate cheesecake to red velvet cheesecake, and beyond!

I’ve had tons of practice and I’ve developed a method that is absolutely foolproof. So if you’ve ever had issues with cracking, this is the recipe for you! I have never once had it crack.

Keep reading to learn all about how to make the best ever strawberry cheesecake!

Strawberry cheesecake recipe baked, topped and presented on a light background.

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What is strawberry cheesecake?

This recipe features a creamy New York-style cheesecake filling infused with vanilla, layered over a crunchy Graham cracker crust and topped with juicy sweet glazed fresh strawberries.

Why this is the best strawberry cheesecake recipe

  1. Tastes amazing: The combination of flavors is just out of this world!
  2. Few ingredients: You’ll only need a handful of staples to make it.
  3. Easy to make: Although it needs time to bake and chill, there’s only about 25 minutes of active time.
  4. No cracks: My foolproof method ensures flawless results!

What does strawberry cheesecake taste like?

This cheesecake is creamy as can be with a hint of sweet vanilla. The strawberries are bursting with summery flavor and there’s just the barest whisper of cinnamon in the buttery, crunchy crust.


Ingredients for making strawberry cheesecake, with text labels.

Graham cracker crust: My Graham cracker crust recipe has Graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, and melted butter. You can read all about it here: Graham Cracker Crust. Use gluten-free Graham cracker crumbs if you have an intolerance. If you aren’t able to find Graham cracker crumbs, substitute with the same amount of Lotus Biscoff Cookies.

Cream cheese: You’ll need 3 bricks of cream cheese. They should be softened to room temperature.

Sugar: Regular granulated white sugar is fine, or any other sweetener that can sub 1:1.

Cornstarch: Cornstarch is an odorless and flavorless white powder that will strengthen the cheesecake and help it to firm up as it bakes.

Eggs: Large chicken eggs or a plant-based substitute. You’ll need 4 whole eggs plus 1 additional yolk. Save the white for making Swiss meringue buttercream!

Cream: Heavy cream gives this strawberry cheesecake the most incredible velvety texture.

Vanilla: Vanilla extract lends a sweet perfume that compliments the strawberries.

Strawberries: Fresh strawberries are the star of the show! Keep them whole but trim off the stem and leaves.

Jam: Strawberry jam glazes the berries and gives them the most gorgeous shine! You could also use raspberry jam, red currant jam, or apricot jam.

Special equipment

How to make strawberry cheesecake

This easy recipe comes together in 4 simple steps.

Step 1: Make the Graham cracker crust

Start by placing Graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl.

Graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a large glass bowl.

Give them a quick stir, just to get them combined.

Adding melted butter to Graham cracker crust ingredients.

Then add the melted butter.

Mixing up Graham cracker crust in a large glass bowl.

Stir it in until it’s evenly combined, then press the mixture into the bottom of the cake pan.

Graham cracker crust pressed into an even layer in the bottom of a cake pan.

Step 2: Make the cheesecake filling

Next, place the cream cheese, sugar, and cornstarch in your mixing bowl.

Cream cheese, sugar, and cornstarch in the bowl of a stand mixer.

Stir these ingredients together until smooth.

Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl with the silicone spatula, then add the first egg.

Adding eggs to cheesecake batter.

Once that’s completely incorporated, continue adding the eggs (one at a time) allowing each one to fully blend in before adding the next.

Stir in the additional yolk, along with the cream and vanilla extract.

Cheesecake batter in a large bowl with the paddle attachment.

Pour the batter over the crust.

Step 3: Bake

Place the unbaked cheesecake in a larger pan, and pour water into the larger pan until it comes about an inch or two up the sides of the pan.

Pouring water into a larger pan to bake strawberry cheesecake in a bain marie.

Then bake the cheesecake until it’s set around the edges but still just a little bit wobbly towards the center. It will continue to firm up a lot as it cools.

Step 4: Top

Once the cheesecake has cooled completely, arrange your fresh strawberries all over the top.

Placing fresh strawberries on a cheesecake.

Stir the jam together with a little hot water until it’s a nice, syrupy consistency.

Glazing strawberry cheesecake with a pastry brush.

Brush this glaze all over the berries to make them glisten and to add a little sweetness.

How to serve strawberry cheesecake

This dessert can be served chilled or at room temperature.

If you’d like to jazz it up, try sprinkling on a little citrus zest. You could also serve it alongside a dollop of whipped cream.

Expert tips

Use the bottom of a measuring cup: The flat bottom of a measuring cup is a great tool for pressing the Graham cracker crust into an even layer.

Scrape frequently: As you’re making the filling, it’s a good idea to stop often to scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl. This will help to incorporate any stiff lumps of cream cheese that may be clinging there, and ensure that your cheesecake filling is velvety smooth.

Add eggs one at a time: Allow each egg to fully blend in before adding the next one. This slow addition of liquids will also help to avoid lumps in the batter.

Don’t whip: If you whip a lot of air into your cheesecake batter, it’s more likely to crack as it bakes. Just get things smooth, there’s no need to whip.

Cool slowly: A slow bake and a slow cool help to make sure you don’t get any cracks. Allow yourself plenty of time!

Cheesecake and strawberry on a white plate with a gold fork.

Frequently asked questions

Shouldn’t cheesecake be made in a springform pan?

Don’t even get me started.

I do not like springform pans for cheesecakes. Not one bit.

They always, always leak. Even when wrapped in foil. Even when encased in plastic wrap. Even when you put a shower cap around the bottom. Believe me, I’ve tried all the tricks!

In my experience, nothing is better than an 8-inch diameter round cake pan with high sides. It seals out the water so your crust is always crispety-crunchety.

And as long as you’ve given it plenty of time to cool, it slips right out. Just place a plate on top and flip. Then invert it onto your serving platter.

If it gives you any trouble at all, just warm the bottom with a towel dampened with hot water. This will soften the butter in the crust and allow things to slide right out.

Can strawberry cheesecake be made ahead?

You’ll want to allow yourself plenty of time with this cheesecake recipe. It needs over an hour to bake and even longer to chill.

How to make no-bake strawberry cheesecake?

For a no-bake version of this, click over to my no-bake cheesecake recipe.

Follow the recipe as written; once it’s firm you can add the glazed berries.

Does strawberry cheesecake need to be refrigerated?

It’s fine to leave this out at room temperature for a couple of hours, but any longer than that and it should probably go into the fridge.

Cover it lightly with plastic wrap and it should keep for a week or so.

Can you freeze strawberry cheesecake?

This cheesecake freezes beautifully, but you’ll probably want to leave off the berries. They could shrink and run as a result of the freeze/thaw process.

Just wrap it up tight and it should last in the freezer for several months.

Thaw it in the fridge.

What is the serving size?

This strawberry cheesecake recipe cuts into 8 generous slices.

The nutritional info below is for one slice, or 1/8th of the whole batch. It does not include whipped cream.

Strawberry cheesecake topping on a New York-style cheesecake with slices removed, displaying the creamy interior.

A few more of my best cheesecake recipes

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Strawberry cheesecake on a wooden cake pedestal.
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Strawberry Cheesecake

Servings: 8 slices
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Chill Time:: 2 hours 30 minutes
Total Time: 4 hours 5 minutes
Creamy Strawberry Cheesecake: New York-style cream cheese filling, crunchy graham cracker crust, and the most gorgeous strawberry topping!


For the Graham Cracker Crust*

For the Cheesecake Filling

  • 24 ounces (680.39 g) cream cheese, (3 bricks), softened
  • 1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons (g) cornstarch
  • 4 (176 g) eggs, large
  • 1 (18 g) egg yolk, large
  • 1/4 cup (59.5 g) heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon (4 g) vanilla extract

For the Strawberry Cheesecake Topping

  • 32 ounces (907.19 g) strawberries, fresh
  • 1/4 cup (85 g) strawberry jam
  • 2 teaspoons (10 g) hot water


To Make the Graham Cracker Crust

  • Place the Graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl and stir to combine.
  • Stir in the melted butter until evenly mixed.
  • Press the mixture into an even layer in the bottom of an 8-inch diameter, 3-inch tall cake pan.

To Make the Cheesecake Filling

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  • Beat the cream cheese, sugar, and cornstarch together on medium speed until smooth (approx. 3 minutes).
  • Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl with a silicone spatula, then stir in the eggs (one at a time) allowing each one to fully incorporate before adding the next.
  • Stir in the cream and vanilla, and pour the batter over the Graham cracker crust.
  • Place the unbaked cheesecake in a larger pan and pour water in until it comes an inch or two up the sides of the cake pan.
  • Bake the cheesecake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees F, then turn the oven temp down to 300 degrees F and continue baking until the sides are set but the center is still slightly wobbly (approx. 1 hour to 1 hour 20 minutes).
  • Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside to slowly cool with the door ajar for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the cheesecake from the water bath and chill for 2 hours.
  • Flip the cheesecake out of the pan and then onto a serving platter (you may need to warm the bottom of the pan slightly to help it release).

To Top the Strawberry Cheesecake

  • Place hulled strawberries all over the top of the cheesecake.
  • Stir the jam and hot water together until smooth, then brush over the strawberries with a pastry brush.


*For more info click here: Graham Cracker Crust.
Serving: 1slice, Calories: 732kcal, Carbohydrates: 68g, Protein: 11g, Fat: 48g, Saturated Fat: 27g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 3g, Monounsaturated Fat: 13g, Trans Fat: 0.5g, Cholesterol: 231mg, Sodium: 450mg, Potassium: 376mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 50g, Vitamin A: 1771IU, Vitamin C: 68mg, Calcium: 146mg, Iron: 2mg
Cuisine: American
Course: Dessert, Snack
Tried this recipe?Mention @bakingamoment on Instagram or tag #bakingamoment.


  • Allie

    Allie is the creator and owner of Baking a Moment. She has been developing, photographing, videographing, and writing and sharing recipes here since 2012.

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